The Glass Room Adelaide - MOD.

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The Glass Room Adelaide hosted by MOD. will run from Feb. 1 to Nov. 26.

Welcome to The Glass Room

From the tech boom to tech backlash, our understanding of the digital has become both deeply personal and deeply political. Our desire for convenience has given way to questions about the trade-offs for how much we can control our data and our understanding about how it is used.

The Glass Room is a place to explore these ideas. The objects here bring to life the hidden aspects of everyday technologies and examine how they are changing the way we live. The objects in The Glass Room provide unconventional and unexpected ways of seeing your relationship with your data.

As technology becomes embedded in every part of our lives, The Glass Room helps you look deeper into the digital: Does your personal data say everything about you, or is it an imperfect portrait? Do more tools, apps, and information make us better and more efficient, or are we giving away more than we want in return? What goes on behind the screens and inside the black boxes of the devices we interact with everyday? If we knew, would we still sign in or click ‘I agree’? How much trust do users invest in big tech companies, and what can be done if that trust is broken?

Having toured Europe and the US, The Glass Room will be traveling across the world to Australia for the first time. With our partners MOD. Adelaide, the objects presented bring to life the hidden aspects of everyday technologies and examine how they are changing the way we live.


The featured works are in collaboration with artists such as Dries Depoorter, Aram Bartholl, Kiki Mager, Bengt Sjölén, Danja Vasiliev, Sebastian Schmieg, !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Tega Brain / Sam Lavigne, Kyriaki Goni, Klaas Diersman, Critical Engineering Working Group, and La Loma.

The exhibition also features Open the Box which examines the journeys that our personal data takes. The digital exhibits include videos, animations, visualizations, audios and interactive apps to explore the themes.

You can also pick up a the Data Detox Kit from the Data Detox Bar which offers everyday steps you can take to control your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing in ways that feel right to you.

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