The Misinformation Edition

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Nikoline Arns 2018
The Misinformation Edition of the Glass Room explores different types of misinformation, teaches you how to recognise it, and how to combat its spread

Tackling Misinformation

We hear a lot about misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories these days. But what makes a piece of information reliable or unreliable? Is something “misinformation” if it simply presents an opinion we don’t agree with? And what role do new technologies and social media platforms play in how misinformation spreads and the impact it has on our culture, politics and society?

This exhibition explores what misinformation is, why it’s shared and how it spreads. Find out how we, the individual users, take part through our many clicks, likes and shares. Learn about the business models, design practices and habits that create an environment where misinformation can spread or go viral. And understand how misinformation becomes normalised, and how the decisions made by the gatekeepers of technologies can influence our behaviours and opinions.

Tablets displayed at a Glass Room Community Edition event in Spain

What is in the Misinformation Edition?

The Glass Room Misinformation Edition, originally launched in 2020 and updated in 2022, explores how social media and the web have changed the way we read information and react to it. We present new types of influencers, the new and old tactics they use, and the role we the users and consumers play in the way information flows and changes within that flow. We also examine the relationship between personal data, targeting and our opinions, views and behaviours, as well as the business models behind it.

The exhibition consists of 10 posters - available in 3 formats, 8 video animations and 4 apps.

The newest edition of The Glass Room Community Edition, is available in three different printed versions as well as the digital exhibition:

  • Poster: Our original poster sets are ideal for gallery spaces, libraries, and conferences (75x75cm, 150x75cm) - download the infosheet
  • Easyprint: This easy-to-print format is a low-cost to produce as it is printed on A3 and A4 sheets of paper. It is ideal to be hosted in classrooms - download the infosheet
  • Outdoor: Our large banners printed on PVC are mounted on metal fencing. They are ideal for open-air events (340cmx173cm) - download the infosheet

Along with the exhibition, our free Data Detox Kit reveals different ways misinformation disguises itself and gives you practical tips on how to find verifiable information on the internet. Moreover, you can host our workshops using our resources to help engage your community in questioning its engagement with technology.

Data Detox Kit printed leaflets

Explore The Glass Room

The Glass Room began as a large scale exhibition, traveling from Berlin to New York, London and San Francisco between 2016 and 2019. A growing need for public interventions and information about technology led to the Glass Room Community Edition – a lightweight, pop-up exhibition which can be shipped worldwide to community spaces, schools, libraries and festivals.

The first release of this series was The Internet of Things (IoT) Edition exploring the risks and benefits of the everyday technologies that we invite into our homes and lives. The second series is this Misinformation Edition exploring the roles of design tricks, deepfakes, business models and data in the spread of information online.

So far, there have been over 471 Glass Room events across 61 countries all around the world, reaching over 352,000 people – with many more planned in 2023. When you host a Glass Room Community Edition event, you join a global conversation on data and privacy.


Our Community Edition exhibitions have been translated to various languages. Visit our translations page to find out more.

Get Involved

Host Your Own Glass Room Misinformation Edition

The Glass Room Misinformation Edition has been slimmed down to a smaller edition in a pop-up format so that you can also host your own Glass Room event. This portable light-weight, low-cost version is based on our Community Edition, which has been successfully hosted in libraries, schools, conferences, and even metro stations.

We enable our partners to host Glass Rooms all over the world in a multitude of languages. Download the infosheet and contact us at if you have any questions.

Upcoming events around the globe

DigiDic 2024

6.7.2024 – 3.11.2024
Graz, Austria

Project Partners